The Monday after Thanksgiving seems appropriate to share my intense gratitude for all of the people who have helped me on the path to publication for my newest book, Pre-Meditated Murder. Even though it's not out until January, the individuals mentioned below helped me over a year ago, meaning that this thanks is well overdue. To all of the people who help me every day of this life, I probably don't say it enough, but I appreciate you!!
To my precocious German shepherd pup, Ana. Thank you for filling my days with laughter and my nights with warmth.
The longer I write, the more I realize that writing is a team sport.
Thanks, as always, to editor Sandy Sullivan at Midnight Ink and freelance editor Marta Tanrikulu. Your insights and feedback both amaze and humble me. Thanks also to my agent, Margaret Bail, and editor Terri Bischoff at Midnight Ink. I am grateful that you were willing to take a chance on this newbie author five years ago. Without you, my series would still be gathering dust at the bottom of my closet.
Special thanks to Jane Gorman, Brandy Reinke, and Renee Turner, who helped me understand the complex process of immigration and the particular challenges faced by immigrants coming to the United States from Mexico. Any errors are solely my own.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the town of Cannon Beach, Oregon, which is one of my favorite places in the world. I took some liberties with the Sand Castle Festival, including moving it to autumn instead of early summer, but the loveliness of the town is unchanged. I hope to retire there someday.
My husband, Marc, gets extra kudos for designing and maintaining my author website, as well as for listening to all of my grumbles and supporting me through all of my challenges. Ana Pup, the new canine love of my life, gets my eternal gratitude for keeping life interesting.
Finally, thank you to all of my readers, who keep me glued to the keyboard even when I feel like giving up. I write for you.

All four books in the Downward Dog Mystery Series are available at booksellers everywhere!
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