Monday, April 2, 2018

The Time is Coming

We all await a special occasion with at least some degree of excitement, whether it's a birthday, a celebration of another kind, something special going on with family, or whatever.  Or a combination of them.

With writers, those kinds of anticipation also involve the publication of a new book.  Right?  It certainly occurs that way for me.

And now it's April.  Next month will be the publication of my fourth Barkery & Biscuits Mystery from Midnight Ink, PICK AND CHEWS. 

You might think that such events grow old.  It is, after all, my fourth book in that series.  I've also had other mystery series published, as well as other books such as romantic suspense and paranormal romance.  Also, this will be my second book of four that will be published in 2018. 

So has the publication process grown old with me?  Never!  I'm very excited about the upcoming release of PICK AND CHEWS.  And to celebrate and publicize, I've been agreeing to participate in events and seeking others, both in person and online.

What is the next exciting thing you're awaiting?  Is it a book publication?  Something equally exciting--if there is such a thing?  Whatever it is, I hope you have a lot of fun with it.  I certainly will enjoy the publication of PICK AND CHEWS!        


As noted here, Linda O. Johnston is currently writing the Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries for Midnight Ink.  Her most recent one was Bad to the Bone, and the next in the series, Pick and Chews, will be a May 2018 release.

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