Monday, July 6, 2015

Running Late

--by Linda O. Johnston

Sorry I'm late posting this.

My excuse is that my weekend was busy. 

On Saturday night, my husband and I attended a fantastic fireworks display for the Fourth of July.  It was in Marina del Rey, where some good friends live.  Because we didn't intend to stay overnight--not with our dogs at home--we went down there early in the day to try to find a parking space that would allow us to leave without getting into the worst of the departing traffic and were only partially successful.  That meant it took us a long time to leave the parking lot we did find. But we eventually did get out and home and into the loving licks of our dogs.

Cut to the next day, which I largely spent killing someone.  Okay, you know what I mean.  I'm a mystery writer, so I'd reached the part of the manuscript I'm working on where I had to plan for the murder of the victim whose killing needs to be solved in the story.  I'm working on Superstition Mystery #3.  It won't be released for a while but my deadline isn't extremely far away.  You won't get to read it for a while, though.  The first Superstition Mystery, Lost  Under a Ladder, came out last October, and the second, Knock on Wood, will be released this October.  You see the pattern?  The one I'm working on now should be out in October of 2016.

And in between are my Barkery & Biscuits Mysteries.  The first of those, Bite the Biscuit, came out in May.  I'm not writing a manuscript in that series at the moment, but I am testing dog treat recipes for inclusion in one of them--and boy, are my pups happy about that!

Anyway, enough of my apologies.  I'm late, but I'm here.  Happy July, everyone!


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