This week we sat down with Jess Lourey, the author of one of our longest-running critically-acclaimed series, the Murder-by-Month mysteries. Her latest, February Fever, was released earlier this month!
Midnight Ink: How long have you been writing?
Jess Lourey: My
first piece of writing to receive wide acclaim was this poem:
are full of love, grandpas are full of tickles, but grandpas are especially
full of pickles.
was five. My poetry skills haven’t improved, but I never lost my love for
writing. I completed my first novel in 1996 and wrote two more before I landed
my first publishing contract in 2004.
MI: What influence have other authors
had on your writing?
JL: My
mystery writing is tremendously influenced by William Kent Krueger’s and Janet
Evanovich’s writing. My magical realism writing is inspired by Isabel Allende’s
and Alice Hoffman’s beautiful prose. For my young adult novels, I turn to the
books by Cornelia Funke, Suzanne Collins, and Philip Pullman. I *love* books
and learned most of what I know about writing them from being a close reader.
MI: If you weren’t a writer, what
would you be doing?
Jess's kids |
writer. There’s no other choice.
Seriously. But I do love teaching, also, particularly if I get to teach about
MI: If you have a job outside of
writing, what is it?
JL: 2014-2015
is my first year as a full-time writer. My plan is to write and sell The Book
by July 2015 so I do not need to return to my college teaching job. While I
love teaching, turns out I hate grading and office politics.
MI: What is/are your favorite thing/s
to do when you’re not writing or working?
Jess and her boyfriend |
JL: Travel
is a passion of mine, as is talking to people and hearing their stories,
starting with the people closest to me: my kids, my boyfriend, my wonderful
friends. I used to love to garden, but I’ve been too busy the past two summers
to dig my fingers into the soil. Eating good food remains a favorite passion,
particularly if someone else cooks it, though I also love to bake.
MI: Who is your favorite mystery
sleuth and why?
JL: Early
Stephanie Plum because she showed me that a sleuth could be funny, smart, and real.
MI: Do you have a favorite murder
case from a book (either yours or another author’s)?
JL: Is
it terrible that I never remember the specifics of the cases, only the
characters? A finely-crafted character sticks with me for a long, long time.
MI: What was your inspiration for
this series?
JL: The
inspiration for the Murder-by-Month Mysteries was sanity. I was living in rural
northern Minnesota with poor TV reception, and I needed to occupy my brain. I
was reading a lot of great mysteries at the time—books by Kent Krueger, Sue
Grafton, Tony Hillermann, and Janet Evanovich—and when I ran out, I decided to
try writing one of my own. Man, am I glad I did.
MI: Tell us about Mira James.
JL: Mira
James, when I first conceived her, was loosely based on where I was at in my
life in 2004. She grew up in a small Minnesota town and moved to Minneapolis,
then found herself back in a small town. She has (had?) bad luck with men, an
English degree she doesn’t know what to do with, and an outlook on life that
it’s better to laugh first, ask questions later. She and I have since found our
lives going different directions, but I still love to check in with her.
MI: You are 10 books into a series!
How has your writing process/approach to publishing changed since May Day?
JL: I’m
a faster writer, and I hope a better writer, with every book. The process is
still essentially the same, though. I come up with a one-sentence concept for a
book, I do some freewriting (not more than a page—I hate freewriting) to flesh
out the concept, and then I write a working outline. After that, it takes me
about three months to finish writing a mystery. As far as publishing, I’m lucky
that Midnight Ink keeps offering me contracts! I intend to never take that for
granted. It wasn’t so long ago that I couldn’t get so much as an agent, let
alone a publisher.
MI: How does this book/series compare
to your other works?
JL: I’m proud of
the Murder-by-Month Mysteries. I think they’re funny and well-paced, and I love
the characters who populate them. I write in different genres, though, and so
nothing else I write is quite like them. Even when I stay in the crime fiction
genre, what I work on is very different from the MbM Mysteries. Here’s a
working synopsis of the thriller I’m working on now:
Salem and Izzy must uncover the connection
between the Witch Hunt of the 1600s and the modern disappearance of single
mothers all over the globe to stop the assassination of Senator Gina Hayes, the
first viable female Presidential candidate in the history of the United States.
Juni |
MI: Do you have a pet? Tell us about
JL: I have a dorky boxer
named Juni. She’s sweet and loyal and kind of stinky. My daughter just got a
hamster named Frank Ocean, too. I can’t tell you a lot about Frank except that
he seems to always have someplace he needs to be, which is impressive when you
live in a 2’ x 2’ world.
MI: What food could you live off of
for the rest of your life?
JL: Beer and bread. YUM.
MI: Do you have a favorite recipe?
JL: I come from a family of
great cooks (my mom and daughter are the best), and so we try all sorts of
different recipes on a regular basis. My current favorite is a shrimp curry
soup made with plump shrimp, rich coconut milk, pineapple and hot peppers, and
seasoned with fragrant lemongrass and fresh ginger.
MI: What’s your favorite part about
being an Inker?
JL: I love the camaraderie
at conferences. It’s like being invited to the cool kids’ slumber party. But if
I had to pick a single thing, my very favorite part about being an Inker is
getting to work with Terri Bischoff. She’s the real deal.
Thank you for having me!
Pick up February Fever online and in bookstores now!