Besides the email and PCS, tomorrow we will launch 2 books. In the launch meeting we settle on a title, tag line and cover design. Sometimes these are very short meetings. Sometimes... well... sometimes we walk away and reschedule for a week later. Yikes.
On the horizon looms our sales conference. At the sales conference, myself and the other acquiring editors will present the Winter 2012 books to the company. This is one of the most fun but most stressful parts of my job. Besides presenting the titles, the folks in sales and marketing often ask me a lot of questions so I try to prepare to answer any question that comes up whether it's about the author, the book or the market. Whew!

or maybe... I should have some wine... yeah, that sounds good. Actually, I mean Wined and Died, the new home crafting mystery by Cricket McRae. All you have to do is comment about your favorite coffee or wine and you will be entered in the drawing. I will draw a winner next Monday!
Also check out Cricket's blog for most contests!
Hi Terri,
Welcome back to the office! I hope I know which book that PCS is for. ;)
As for my favorite coffee, my hubby and I are hooked on the beans roasted locally by BB Bean in Colorado Springs (http://bbbeancoffee.com/). The strong coffee that results takes the hair off of Neil's chest and puts it on mine! :)
I love Cricket's books, but you don't need to enter me in the contest. I just wanted to say hi.
I'll play, Terri, but if I win, please send the book to someone else. I like to support my fellow MI authors by buying their books.
Favorite coffee: Starbucks venti non-fat vanilla latte.
Favorite wine: 2 Buck Chuck white zin (what can I say? I'm a cheap date.)
Hmm, nobody wants the book? I do!!!
Home crafting mystery - sounds great! As for coffee, black is best and wine, oh my, I THINK my favorite is a cranberry made up in the cranberry capital of the world - Warrens, WI, but I like so many! Mom
Mom? Is that my mom? Cranberry wine? I never knew! Wollersheim has a sister winery that makes a yummy cranberry wine, I think.
oh, and I forgot to add my favorites!
Venti vanilla latte from Starbucks.
Brewed coffee with vanilla creamer.
Cafe au lait.
I could go on and on!
Muscato wine? I don't drink wine, but this stuff is like juice! Very sweet. My younger sister introduced it to me. :)
I hope the rest of your week is less stressful. I'd love to win the book.
My favorite coffee is Starbucks: Skinny Caramel Machiatto (though since I live in Colorado Springs, I might have to try Beth's recommendation.
As for wine, I like Mommy's Time Out Pinot Grigio.
Beverly aka Booklady
Okay! I'll bite!
Every morning I make a latte (extra foam) a long pull off a single shot with french vanilla syrup, although lately some Hershey's extra dark has been in the mix, with organic skim.
But if I'm out & about...
Birch Grove Bakery in Montpelier. They make the best micro foam. It curls your toes. When I am there I go for the double with a shot of the sweet autumn vanilla maple. That is heaven in a cup.
Okay I have a problem.. the first step is admitting it right?
Wine... I can only handle one addiction.
The book... always ready for a new author.
Enjoying the blog.
Jen Frantz
Colombian coffee, Bordeaux wine. My tastes are often outside my grasp.
Hi, I don't drink wine or coffee but I would still enjoy reading your book. Thanks.
But I don't like coffee nor do I drink win, but I'm commenting.
When I'm "on coffee," I make Dunkin' Donuts regular blend at home. When I'm deluding myself that I can go without coffee, I buy whatever the Exxon station by my house is serving. Either way, it gets sweetened with maple syrup.
As for wine--Poppy Pinot Noir and Markham Petite Sirah.
i don't drink wine; not really a daily coffee drinker either, but when i need something, it's usually either some sort of pre-sweetened flavored ice tea.....but my ULTIMATE thirst quencher?? MountainDewCodeRed!!!! YUMMMMIEZZZZ!!!!
thank you for the giveaway!!!
It's summer and I'm seasonal in my tastes. So right now, I'm tending toward the whites, Capola Chardonay is always a good bet. And an embarrassing secret, this time of year, I really like sugar free vanilla iced coffee from... McDonald's. Glad you had some summer days off!
Jen - I might need to visit you! I managed a coffeehouse for a few years so pulling my own espresso shot was the best part of my day...
My favorite coffee at home is Starbucks French Roast. On the road, it's Dunkin' Donuts' iced coconut coffee. When we visit family in Colorado, it's the Almond Joy latte from Jamoca Joe's in Loveland.
I don't usually drink coffee, but there are certain times of the year that I make exceptions. One is in the Thanksgiving/Christmas season, when Starbucks offers a Pumpkin Spice Latte that I really like.
Wine--either a Vin Rose or White Zinfandel.
I am feeling generous today and I picked TWO winners!!
Shannon and Susan!!
Send me your mailing address and I will get your copy of Wined and Dined out to you ASAP!!
submissions @ midnightinkbooks.com
(remove the spaces)
Thanks everyone!!
A friend introduced me to Muscato about a month ago. Holy cow! It is juice, so frigg'n good. I won't drink anything else now. I never had wine disappear so quickly from a bottle. :)
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