Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is Once Enough?

I generally don’t read books more than once. Gone With The Wind was an exception as well as a few of Jane Austen’s and William Faulkner’s novels, mainly because teachers chose them over the years. Oh, and sometimes I pick books at the library more than once, but that’s a whole different issue: failing memory. I know I read one book in college twice; in fact, paid for it twice. It was book of poetry—-a thick, expensive one—-and I don’t ever want to discuss Ode On A Grecian Urn again.

I did re-read the first Harry Potter book to my son. As expected, he loved it. Then I put my husband in charge of reading the next three books in the series to him. After that time, he was ready to finish the series on his own.

It’s not that all the books aren’t wonderful in their own way. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy them—-except the poetry. It’s just with so many books out there and a limited amount of time, I can’t see reading one twice.

I know others see it differently. Some people read and dissect to learn how to write better. Some people read for inspiration. Some people just love one author and can’t get enough.

So, I’m curious. Do you often read a book more than once? Or do you have a select few favorites you return to over and over? Or are you like me, always looking for a new story?

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