Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tarot, Writing and Travel

For those who are not familiar with Midnight Ink, MI is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide (  Llewellyn has a rich and long history (110 years!) of publishing titles that fall under metaphysical or body, mind, spirit categories - pagan, wiccan, yoga, chakras, ghost stories, astrology, tarot, magick...  you get the idea.  Well, quite a few of us here read our tarot cards and horoscopes regularly.  There's a group of us that draws a tarot card for the day - today my card was the Chariot.  How appropriate!

From the Shadowscapes deck
published by Llewellyn
 When the Chariot appears upright in your tarot spread, it indicates that you have all the tools necessary to triumph over any obstacles that stand in your way. The successes you achieve are based on your ability to harness your instinctive drives. The more effort you put out, the more successful you will become. Self-discipline is necessary. This is a time to remain focused and stay devoted to managing your conflicting thoughts and feelings. You may be feeling frustrated at the speed of events you’re focusing on. Patience is required. Know that if you wait, things will materialize in your favor. If you lack clarity, progress may be slowed. It is best to concentrate on what you want. Your intentions will set things in motion. In a tarot reading, the chariot also represents travel of some kind.

For me, it's the last line...  travel of some kind.  I will spend the next three weeks out of the office save for a couple days.  First I have a vacation, then Malice Domestic, then a writer's conference in Houston.  I think I will just have enough time between trips to do laundry and repack!

But you know what else is cool about tarot?  You can use tarot to develop your characters.  Seriously.  Llewellyn has published a great book called Tarot for Writers.  The author, Corrine Kenner, is a certified tarot master.  The book provides 500 writing prompts and idea stimulating exercises that call upon archetypal imagary and symbolism in tarot.  It also uses classic tarot layouts and spreads to structure your story.  How awesome is that?  You don't have to use/know tarot to use this book.  You can check it more at or at

So everyone - happy writing!!  And happy travels for those also going to Malice Domestic!  I will be blogging off and on, hopefully uploading pics from Malice.  I am looking forward to hanging with a whole bunch of Inkers!

1 comment:

Shannon Baker said...

I have Malice envy! Next year for sure. Have fun and wish Alan good luck for us all!