Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thick Heads and Stuffed Noses

So I came down with the crud Tuesday before last, you know the kind... plugged sinuses, plugged ears, aches and pains, general malaise. It's hung on now for a week and a day and doesn't want to let go. I'm frantically trying to finish my second book, and boy, it's hard to think clearly through all the junk (okay, let's say it like it is: snot) stuffing my noggin, my ears, and my nose. It reminds me of the "new" guidelines for going in to work. If you're sick, stay out. No more "sickened warriors" in the workplace. We don't want anyone else contaminated with the Asian flu, the bird flu, and now measles in the airport. All kinds of strange and fancy illnesses are out there.

The one good thing when we write is that we can usually do it from the comfort of our own home. The only ones we're infecting, if we're ailing, are our poor significant others and kids, if we have 'em. So unless our ailment is an injury to our typing fingers, and I say that because I use three digits on one hand and one on the other to push those keys, we can usually plug on. Even when we're plugged up. Writers are a persistent bunch, kind of like postal workers. You know, getting the job done through wind and rain, snow, hail, and blistering heat... Instead of battling the elements, we writers battle brain blockage in its many forms. Head colds, writer's block, drippy noses, aching wrists. We carry the bardic banner proudly, my friends, and keep those words flowing one way or another. Most of the time, anyway!

How do you battle through the winter cold season? Any tricks that have helped you feel better, think clearer, and keep you writing?

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