We had great conditions the first two days, Sunday and Monday. We even found some fresh powder to track up and did some tree skiing. We took an excellent free tour of the mountain on Sunday with our ski ambassador, Don, to get oriented.
Then the temperatures plunged below zero, which is my lower limit for when I'll go out skiing. So, Tuesday, when it was below -20, we all stayed inside in the condo, and I stayed in Wednesday also. The other three ventured out Wednesday afternoon when the thermometer inched above -10 degrees. During the time I stayed in, I was able to write some of the posts for my Virtual Book Tour for Deadly Currents, which will take place in March.

By Thursday, it had warmed up to above zero and we were all out on the slopes again. That day, Billy Kidd (in red below), a former Olympic medal winner and director of skiing at Steamboat Springs, taught a clinic, and we listened in. We finished off our last day of skiing on Friday with a stroll through town that evening to see the exhibits featured in the First Friday Art Walk. We sampled the food, beer & wine, too!

It was a great week and great fun. Where was your most recent vacation? Would you recommend it? During these doldrums of winter, let's share stories of fun and/or sunny places!

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