Monday, January 24, 2011

The “It’s Really Real” Moment

I had this post all planned out in my head. It was going to be a humorous recap of my New York City trip, complete with drool-worthy photos of the Manhattan Library. Here’s one, at least: Marble and carved wood and electric chandeliers and so many books I could get happily lost in there for a decade.

And I saw a Gutenberg Bible. Among dozens of other ancient books in their current display of religious texts. The gilding, the calligraphy, the artwork… a book lover’s paradise.

But just as a character can wrest control of a WIP by main force, the events of the end of last week grabbed this planned post and ran with it.

A box sat on my front stoop when I returned from the airport. A heavy box. From Midnight Ink. Filled with my author’s copies of Force of Habit. In a new tradition started by I created a sculpture with them.

Last Friday, my boss showed me his copy of Force of Habit—just delivered. I signed it for him and went back to work. I few hours later, in a classic delayed reaction, realization hit me: I just autographed my first book. That someone ordered, paid for, and received in an everyday business transaction.

After four years, three books, 185 rejections and a few publisher passes, it’s real.

I met four authors much farther along in their careers than I am—one has 70 published books! Yet as we talked about debuts, they all reported the same “oh, wow” moment for their first book.

This deliriously happy post brought to you by that great catchphrase from the movie Galaxy Quest: Never give up! Never surrender!

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