The Murder-by-Month series is getting a
makeover! On your left, you can see the first cover for June Bug, and on your right, the new cover. What do you think?
This rebirth of the series (along with turning 40 last week) has caused me to reflect on my career as a writer, which officially began in March 2006 when I published May Day (it’s getting a new cover soon, too!), and was invited to speak at my first book club at my then hometown of Alexandria, Minnesota.
The book club meeting was held at a gorgeous, tastefully decorated house on the local golf course. The hostess served strawberries dipped in chocolate, stuffed mushrooms, and delicious wine. I was nervous and out of my element and the first one there. Soon, though, the the women started filing in--a reporter from the local newspaper, some teachers, a few doctors, and then, all of a sudden, there was my gynecologist.
Usually, when I'm at a party, I'm the only one there who has seen me naked. You can bank on it.
The shock of seeing my gynecologist in civilian clothes in that immaculate house where I was about to come under the microscope of a baker's dozen of slightly tipsy professional women caused me to hiss under my breath, "That woman has seen my vagina!"
Apparently, gynecologists, like mothers, dogs, and teachers, have supernatural hearing as she turned in my direction and said, "It must have been normal, because I don't remember it." Ha! That's a great line. My gynecologist was funny. The rest of the night was a good time, though there was much more talk about life than May Day, which is the way it should be.
Since then, I’ve published four more books and am today sending off the sixth in the series, Octoberfest, to my editor (I promise, Terri!). It’s been a fun ride, one that I hope continues for decades.
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