I'm not usually a ditherer. But I must confess to a certain amount of shilly-shallying as I thought about writing my first post for InkSpot. What to say, and how to say it?
Here's the main thing: I am thrilled to join the Midnight Ink authors' club.
I've written fifteen books for the J/YA audience, eight of them mysteries. I already feel at home in the genre, and love hanging out with mystery writers and readers. Still, several people in the biz expressed concern when I mentioned that I was writing an adult mystery. No one seems to mind when an established adult-audience author decides to write a kids' book. Evidently the reverse isn't always accepted as easily.
So I'm doubly grateful to Brian Farrey and everyone at Midnight Ink for picking up Old World Murder. This new series features Chloe Ellefson, curator at a large historic site called Old World Wisconsin. (The photo above show me, working at the same site back in 1982). It's set for publication in October, 2010. And at the risk of sounding unprofessional... yippee!
I'm also grateful to my fellow MI writers, who have extended a warm welcome.
For now, I'll leave it at that. We'll have lots of opportunities to chat. I hope to be around for a long time.
Kathleen Ernst
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