Wednesday, February 17, 2010

True Lies

By Deborah Sharp

I'm usually not big on Internet games: Farmville on Facebook? Ee-ii-ee-ii-NO. Forward a chain email and watch the good fortune roll in? Yeah, sure. What rock star am I really? Uhm, none of them?

But every once in a while I get sucked in. Lesa Holstein's "Bald-Faced Liar'' (oops, make that Creative Writer) Award was like that. You can read how she started it here.

Several of my fellow Midnight Ink authors also played along. (Thanks ... I think ... to Sue Ann Jaffarian for the nomination. )

I won't rehash all the ins and outs, the rules and regs. Part of the fun is including at least one true thing, and then watching to see whether readers can tease out truth from fantasy.

If you're interested, you can read how I played the game at Ask Mama . That's the advice-column blog I write in the voice of the fictional Mama character from my Mace Bauer Mystery series (Did I mention the series is set in a made-up town?) So, it's a fake advice column written by a woman who doesn't really exist, responding to letters she doesn't actually get.

Guess I deserve that Bald-Faced Liar award after all.

Anyway, the game has been bouncing around the blogosphere, and quite a few authors have joined in. I thought at first it was because we make up things as our job. But then I read some of the whoppers that non-novelists have created. My conclusion: Everybody likes a little lying now and then.

Given the freedom to make yourself as exciting or outrageous as you could possibly be, what lies would you tell?

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