Friday, September 11, 2009


DIAMONDS from MI site

There are still seven months before the official release date for DIAMONDS FOR THE DEAD, but I'm beginning to see signs that my book will become a real, honest-to-goodness physical entity (instead of existing in some feverish, tantalizing dream).

This week, my cover art became "official."

As you probably know (or can quickly surmise by glancing to the right and checking out the covers of my fellow MIers), Midnight Ink has a tradition of producing tremendous covers. And, in my completely unbiased and purely objective opinion, this cover is no exception (giant kudos to cover designer Ellen Dahl. Thanks, Ellen!).

The overall image is (pick one or more adjectives): intriguing, mysterious, ominous, compelling. The slanted lettering juxtaposed against the slanted rectangle reflects the off-kilter feelings of the protagonist. And, amazingly, the cover manages to evoke scenes from both the beginning AND ending of the book. Very, very cool.

Also this week, a "pre-order" listing went up on the Midnight Ink website (it’s on Amazon, too!). Here’s the description:

Talk to anyone in Reston, Virginia, and they'll say Josh Handleman's dad "Honest Abe" was a real mensch. But when Josh returns home to bury his estranged father, he gets the shock of his life: his thrifty dad was filthy rich. Oy!

Who was this man who donated millions to charity, invested in the dreams of Josh's friends, and shared his home with a strange vodka-swilling Russian? Apparently, Abe collected diamonds too. But when Josh can't find the gems, he begins to wonder if his dad's death was truly an accident.

Hounded by grief and remorse, Josh resolves to find his dad's diamond stash—which could be his inheritance and proof of his father's love. What he doesn't realize is that this emotionally charged treasure hunt is taking him closer to his dad's killer.

Of course, with a great cover and a great title (kudos to the whole Midnight Ink team!), I really feel the pressure. Will my words between the covers live up to these lofty expectations?

I hope so.




Lisa Bork said...

Is it too early to pre-order? Love the cover. Glad you're happy with how everything's progressing, and I'm looking forward to reading your book! Very exciting!!

Sue Ann Jaffarian said...

Congratulations, Alan. Seeing a book up for pre-order is always so thrilling. Wait until you see it in book stores for the first time. That gave me a near stroke. And fabulous cover. Ellen does my covers, too.

Galen Kindley--Author said...

It is indeed, a nice cover, Alan. I'll pick, hmmmm...compelling from the list. However, they all fit. I'm there room for a gnome on there...maybe in the corner?? Good job!

Best Regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog

Alan Orloff said...

Lisa - I don't think it's ever too early to pre-order :) Thanks for the kind words about the cover.

Sue Ann - Thanks, it is kinda thrilling. You've got a bunch of books under your belt--does it ever get old?

Galen - Thanks. "Compelling" works fine. I'm guessing the gnomes must be on the back cover.

Deborah Sharp said...

Yaaaaaaay, Alan! Cover looks great. Compelling, I'd say ;-)
It never gets old, I hope.

Sue Ann Jaffarian said...

No, Alan, at least for me, it never gets old. Every time I finish a manuscript, I feel the same as when I finished the first one. Every step still excites me: the firt time it's posted online, the first time I see it in a book store, and the first time I hold a finished bound copy in my hand. It's all like it's a "first." And I still get butterflies waiting for the reviews. I hope the excitement never gets old.

Keith Raffel said...

Mazel tov, Alan!

John C Bay said...

Awesome Alan! The cover looks awesome and wow what an accomplisment! We always knew that had had extraordinary talent! Cannot wait to read the book. All of us from 16 Bristol Street are so proud of you.

G.M. Malliet said...

I love the cover. It would be impossible not to pick up the book for a closer look in the store. There is something about that color that is really compelling. Congratulations, Alan!

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