Saturday, July 25, 2009

Inkspot News - July 25, 2009

Terri Thayer will be selling and signing books today at the Fabric Patch booth at the IQA quilt show in Long Beach, CA.

Also today join G.M. Malliet and women-of-mystery Donna Andrews, Susan Froetschel, and Marcia Talley as they discuss the writing life at the Frederick County Public Library. Time: 1-3 p.m. Address: 110 E. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Hope it goes well for everyone! Wish I could attend.

Mystery Writing is Murder

Stephen Tremp said...

I always like to read where authors are having events. You have to be creative in your thinking. A quilt show? Now that's something I wouldn't think of, but would certainly do if the opportunity arose.

Stephen Tremp