Laura Caldwell, though very nice, may not be the friend I thought she least not as Facebook is concerned.
Karen Syed is my new best friend and is energetic, excited and a marketing wizard. She can promise my hugs to anyone if it sells books. The fact that she had two basset hounds only sweetens the deal.
It's not a good idea to get lost in Baltimore. The third time you walk around the block you might as well paint "Victim" on your forehead
If you have bourbon in your room Joe Konrath will like you.
Henry Perez's book "Killing Red" will be the book everyone is talking about next spring. When Henry gets hungry he won't wait for you.
I'm happy to hang on Jane Cleland's arm at St. Martin's cocktail events.
Bob Ward is a cool guy not just because he wrote for Miami Vice and Hill St. Blues but because he was the writer who interviewed Reggie Jackson when he said he was the one who "stirred the drink." That, and the fact that he thought Duffy would be a good TV series and asked to see "TKO" and "On the Ropes."
Having Ken Bruen refer to me as a good friend and asking me how my "dear mum" and "beautiful wife" were were worth the 6 hour drive.
Sean Chercover wins awards every 3 hours. I'd hate him but he's a wonderful guy who blurbed "TKO"...even though he beat me twice for awards.
I found out that fellow Notre Dame alum Tasha Alexander cares even less about Irish football than I do.
Lee Child throws a good party.

Lucy's Irish Pub--Site of Lee's Bash
My old agent Joe Veltre is a good guy.
It's fun to talk to Otto Penzler about boxing...or for that matter, anything.
The Berkeley cocktail party was fun and I noticed that by tipping the bartender he would continue to give me beer long after the bar had closed.
I think Jennifer Jordan is amazingly insightful and I liked serving her beer.
Maleeny is some sort of voodoo electric babe magnet. They come to him in droves just to fawn over his MacAvity nomination.
You guys are making me very sad and sorry that I stayed home. Tom, promise me you give me a hug and a beer next year at B'Con.
In re to certain works of fiction and to Mr. Maleeny's appeal to the opposite sex.... There's no accounting for taste!
Geez, no wonder I didn't see you much, Tom. NOW I understand... I forgot to pack the bourbon and hang out in bars drinking beers all night long. What was I thinking?
I noticed that about Maleeny too! I think it's the glasses....
Sue Ann,
I promise.
What's the alternative?
One has to see it in person to get the full effect.
Thanks everyone,
After the absolute drubbing Tom gave me for admitting that my assistant occasionally checks my Facebook, I have reformed my wicked ways. But Jesus, now I can't get off of it! Are there support groups for these things?
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