I didn't realize this until I got the notice that "Stealing God's Thunder" was overdue. But I'd just taken it out. Oh wait, that was three weeks ago. Already.
I remember so clearly deciding on that book. It was a spur of the moment decision. Something to listen to the in the car during NPR pledge breaks. How could 21 days have passed so quickly?
I’ve been visiting libraries for fifty years.

I remember the wonder of the rooms filled with books and the thrill of the bookmobile. And walking home with the unbearable burdern of new books to read, barely able to contain my excitement. Books that were mine to keep for three whole weeks. Forever.
My local branch library is closing for six weeks to prepare to move into their new digs. My first thought was: How would I live? It’s not like I don’t own books, or have more than enough reading to get through that period of drought. I do write there on occasion but it's not like there isn't a Starbucks on every corner. But still...
Then I figured it out. Six weeks - that's just one take out period plus a renewal. No time at all.
I have that same worldview, Terri--everything happened "a few weeks ago," and who can live without libraries?
What should you do when the library is closed and the world economy is crashing? Be contrarian and buy some books at your independent bookseller. (And the Bay Area has great ones.)
My local library branch is closing temporarily so it can be expanded. That's always a good thing, but they're relocating across the street in an old store front that has terrible parking and is difficult to drive in/out of. Plus it's much smaller, so I doubt I'll have much fun browsing the shelves.
I tried visiting the next closest branch last night to see how will it would fill the need. Sadly, it just ain't the same.
Coincidentally, I wrote an homage to small libraries on my blog today.
Terri, I've been in love with libraries since I was a young child and still recall the glorious day when I became eligible for an "adult" card and another section opened up for me.
I have visited libraries across the country and to put my money where my mouth is, am serving my 3rd term as a library trustee. Yes, I'm a card-holding member of the American Library Association and darn proud of it!
I'll side with Keith on this one. Although I'm a little less "anarchistic" toward libraries than Keith, I say, if you can't rent it, buy it.
I'm in danger of becoming a branch of a library (or a small bookstore) if I don't get my book addiction under control. But they say, in difficult economic times, buy value....
Mark - We bought our current house because it had one room that was lined with bookcases. A dream come true--finally, enough room for all the books! Funny, it didn't work out that way. Books continue to spill out the doors and windows, practically. I know I could help get this under control by using the library more. But my book addiction dictates that I must possess whatever book catches my eye.
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