Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Terri's cube invaded by Jessie Chandler!!

So I was asked to come to Llewellyn Worldwide today for a meet 'n greet. That was cool. I figured I could talk to some folks and schmooze with other authors... then when I walked in the door, I found out I was the only author who would be here to meet the greeters by way of a sign welcoming me. Whoa! It was awesome! Betty took a picture of me with the sign as I was trying to restrain myself from doing a happy dance and dying of embarrassment.

Terri showed me and Betty, my partner, all around. Tan-colored cubes snake up one side of the building and down the other, and the cubes are divided out by the production section, the artwork section, acquisions, marketing, publicity and more. It's a totally cool place. I figured the building would be filled with color for some reason, but it was all pretty... tan. When we sat down to do the official meet 'n greet, I found out where the true color in the place really is. It's within every person who works here. I was a little intimidated to talk to the twenty or so folks who showed up, but in minutes I was telling stories based on the great questions they asked. We laughed for almost half an hour, and I really could feel that the staff in every area cared about what they were doing. It was heartwarming to be with folks who really love what they do. Then I signed books (don't use a ball point or Terri will kill you) for everyone and got to learn a little more about each of them. It was great.

Afterwards, I swung into the restroom and nearly dropped dead in shock...right between the men's and women's was a poster. Of ME--advertising the meet 'n greet! So I used the facilities and came back out and, like the geek I am, took a picture of the poster. Terri rolled her eyes and said she'd see if she could score me one. Snerk!

All in all, this has been a fantastic experience... one I would love to repeat. And maybe I can when book two comes out. Long live Midnight Ink!!!!!


Shannon Baker said...

Congrats on a great day! This is so much fun to read. It confirms for me that MI is the place I want to be! But what is wrong with a ball point pen?

Sue Ann Jaffarian said...

Hey, I was the same way the first time I saw a huge poster of myself! So glad you had a wonderful time at Midnight.

Question - why not a ball point pen? I always sign with a ball point pen.

Terri Bischoff said...

I like fancy pens. Not the blue, ball point pen Jessie had! :)

Sue Ann Jaffarian said...

Whew, I'm safe. I use a fancy pen my brother made for me. It's quite elegant.

Unknown said...

I happen to like my cheap blue ball point pen LOL!!!